


Walter Horton, in his book, The challenge of our Culture, says "Modern man is certainly worried about something - worried nearly to death. And an analysis of his behavior shows him so feverishly trying to avoid looking God in the eye that it must have something to do with fear of how he must look standing before God in that position." We are going to be looking at this and much more as we talk about God's forgiveness for us all tonight in Adult Bible Study. 7:00 pm



Sorry about the absence of a post from yesterday, but I came home from a morning appointment and found that my cable modem was down. The Comcast guy just came now and fixed it. Anyways, during my long trip to Gettysburg PA and back I was able to catch a little bit of talk radio. Supposedly the Associated Press is reporting that the Gallop (hope I spelled it right) foundation has done a poll over in Baghdad that will astound you. First of all, I was amazed at the report that almost everyone who received the poll filled it out and returned it, asking if they could give more input than just answering yes or no. You know, the things we receive in the mail and throw out because we can't afford the time to waste on them.


What's My Line???

Today is Sunday and one of the longest days of my work week. I'm not complaining, but it sure does feel good to have a little down time. I guess the next thing that it would be great to tell those of you who don't know me (perhaps you've come across this site by accident) is that I'm a pastor. For the last five years, I've pastored the Abundant Life Center in beautiful Southern New Jersey. And I love what I do! Now, let me put your mind at rest. This is not going to be a religious site. My hope is that much of these posts will be geared toward the family of the church, but that anyone else would feel invited and free to join right in. You see, what I do is not about religion, but about relationship. Some people would see church attendance as an obligation. Others as a punishment. I believe that it can be a very exciting and privileged experience. That is what we try to model at the church. In the AM service I shared that we have a choice in this life. We can live for self, build up our esteem, and make a name for ourselves. Or we can choose to fulfill the creators plan for our life. You may not know what that plan is yet, but let me assure you that you are not here by mistake. Are we a perfect church? fact, we are far from it. Am I a great pastor? (And I don't need an answer to that question) I'm just trying to do what I know to do. And let me tell you, this pastor has a long way to go. But the exciting thing is that I'm not on this journey alone. If you want to know what I've learned today, it's that we can be so sure of something or someone. We can boast it up, take great joy in it, and make a big scene about it. But, find out that it wasn't worth it in the end, and go home feeling let down and discouraged. (And I'm not talking about God)